The Revolve Skate Series added another stop to the tour thanks to the diligent work of Ash and Dom at Kalbarri Jetty Surf. Without local people pushing local events we would never have been able to expand on the series, local knowledge pays big! Almost as big as the $1000 best trick drawcard, which was, no doubt the, coolest, thing, Kalbarri has seen for years. I mean how could it not be? RATSALAD throwing down riff after riff whilst the MidWests best are punching airs out the deep end of the bowl?! Callum Miragiotta took home the crown for that one with a huge frontside 180 closely followed by Alistair Drummond’s boneless to flat which had the crowd going wild. The day was quite legitimately the hottest and windiest day of the month but all involved knuckled on to demonstrate the resilience of mad keen skateboarders. There’s so much too say, I’d best leave the video above do the talking, just wait until you see the skate off between Tom & Digby…….yew, pure stoke!