Jurien Bay Turquoise Coast Festival
If you have yet to step on a board, spin a wheel or push along the concrete then this is the clinic for you. The focus of this clinic is for those curious about skateboarding, the environment and the people, we encourage those who may not ordinarily take the leap, to take it!
We cover the basics of getting you on the board, pushing, and negotiating safely around the park. If you have a board bring it along, otherwise you are more than welcome to use the equipment provided.
There will be two clinics, 09:00-10:00am for beginners followed by 11:30-12:30 for intermediate skateboarders. There will also a skate demo between 1-1:30pm.
Saturday the 2nd October 9:00 start @ the Jurien Bay skatepark.
After the clinics there will be a community BBQ at 12:30pm and a,
Best trick cross demo-comp sponsored by Tiges surf shop at 2pm
Sunday 3rd October between 9am and 11am we will be on site for an open coaching session suitable for all.